Well I have finished the covers of the book at last, well at least as much as they will be done before they zoom off to all the other collaborators for their round the globe trip. I have more to add, a collection of brass fittings, but will add none of these items until the book makes it's final return back to me here in the land of tropical paradise. Too much postage weight!
I have added a fragment of book text.

Well I did say a fragment!
Then I filled the niche with the remains of a burned photograph...
and the vestiges of the belt buckle after its transformation...

I add a few other details...
the remnants of some chain...
all that remains of some beads I have particularly liked...
and the covers have come together at last.

So here it is...
'Fragments Vestiges and Remains'
a story about the little pieces...
After all the fun of burning it's time to change the colour of the covers. The deep blue isn't really what I'm after so it's time for some colour fun. After a little contemplation I decided I rather liked the boards and their aged fabric look so why not just give them a small renovation, and update their colour. Bit like one's home really. I decided to add some walnut ink, I love the oldtime feel this ink gives to everything it touches. A third of a bottle and 2 drying days later to make sure the boards and covers are completely dry,
here's the result...

Better I think. As I said it has kept the book covers natural distressed look without changing anything except the colour.
I like it!
I decide to continue with the inking fun and have dyed some fabric remnants to add to the covers.
Gotta keep with the theme here! LOL!

I have kept going with the walnut ink to build on the aged look for the covers, dying the cheese cloth and tulle to match the new colours.
Time to glue them to the book cover.
That done the drying is now underway.

Time to work on some embellishments.
This was originally a very ugly belt buckle, but like everything else it's had a makeover and will go over the burnt hole in the front cover.
Time to Start - 18 October
Okay, so finally I'm on the mend from whatever the latest round of nasty virus is and it's time to blog some art, Yay!
I am so excited to be a part of this collaboration with this talented group of artists! So after much soul searching and internal debate I finally decided on a topic and format for my part in Pulp Redux!
It has a title, or at least it will soon enough, LOL!
How about...
Fragments, Vestiges and Remains!
I rather like bits of things, especially anything that's antiquated, vintage or just plain old and interesting. What can I say, I'm just curious!
I rather expect you can take this theme to include almost anything you like really. Perhaps fragments of art, text, textiles, texture (drool!!!) or something a little more esoteric maybe. A fragment of an interesting person's life, or a period of time!
Anyway you decide, I am sure it will be interesting and hopefully there's lots of scope for all players to find something that interests them within the theme.
It will be a book! I rather mean an already exisiting one rather than a newer construction, which I did consider but then rebuffed as I rather thought the title of the collaboration warranted my finding an already exisiting book and repurposing it.
So here's my book.
It is 10" x 7" so large enough pages for plenty of fun. The book is an old Dutch textbook-'An Introduction to English Art'.
Here's a brief look inside.

Aren't the art pics lovely! Gainsborough Yumm!
Now I have removed approximately a third of the pages to make a little room for lumps and bumps with the intention that I will likely have to rebind the book after it finally makes it's way back to Oz. Sorry girls but the lovely pics constituted the removed pages of the book. I decided they were too good to waste and will keep them for inclusion in other projects, but I rather think one or two may end up in Andrea's book somehow! I decided to keep the book bound this way so participants don't have to pay for the extra weight of bindings in the postage at present and I will just sort it out at the end. The book has been divided into six sections to accommodate everyone which means that after trimming the pages everyone has approximately 15 pages (30 if you count both sides) each to play with. Not too many but the paper is quite a good thickness and sturdy enough for some quality play. This will also stop the postal weight and costs being too prohibitive, at least I hope so!
So now it's time to do something with the books covers!
As you can see it's a board and cloth bound book, navy blue colour.
Might have to change that I think, but first, the heavy duty alterations.

Chop, chop, wow book boards are tough going to cut!!!
A small hole to create a recess in the cover.
And now those of you that know me, know I can't resist a good burning...
so guess what's next...
Burning, yay, (the fire bug's at it again, LOL!).
I have burnt the cover and first few pages to create a shallow niche in the front of the book to create a new title.
Here's how it looked after the burning session.